Take control of your data with mEinstein.

The World's First CommunityDriven AI

Your Data, Your Power : Meet mEinstein

Step into the future with us, where your everyday activities turn into earnings. With mEinstein, it can be possible! This brainy AI keeps your data safe and sound, giving back the power to where it belongs!

Who We Are

About mEinstein

mE is a voice-controlled personal AI system that can take instructions, observe, advise, reason, plan, and act on your behalf. It acts like your Assist brain – your productive persona. MEinstein AI Also Known As ME AI, Was Trained For Over 4 Years To Become An Expert In Some Of The Most Fundamental Areas Of Life To Help Us Make Informed Decisions, And Make Our Daily Routine A Little Bit Easier.

mEinstein’s mission is to put decision making and the ability to leverage information in the user’s hand. We provide intelligent decision making in the fingertips of the consumer through mEinstein as a smartphone app. Your data, your decisions supported by ML/AI in your fingertips. In other words, “personal AI for the masses”.

App Features

Embark on a personalized journey of innovation with our transformation AI solutions, tailored to meet your unique needs and drive unparalleled success.

Conversational AI

Engage with mEinstein naturally using voice commands for seamless assistance and smart, personalized insights.

Family care

Organize family schedules, manage chores, and ensure quality time with automated reminders and task management.

Travel & Entertainment

Plan vacations and entertainment effortlessly with tailored suggestions, itineraries, and booking assistance.

Personal Care

Receive personalized health tips, exercise routines, and wellness reminders to maintain your well-being.

Personal Finances

Manage budgets, track expenses, and get personalized financial advice to achieve your financial goals.

Home & Car Maintenance

Stay on top of maintenance with timely alerts for home and vehicle upkeep, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

The Data Ownership Revolution

mEinstein’s data monetization framework empowers users to take control of their data, ensuring privacy and security while providing opportunities for monetization.

Take control back

Data Brokers make $200 Billion selling your data. Monetize your data. Get your cut today!

Time to give control back to the community. With mE AI you have full control of your data and your privacy. Sell or Delete your data as you wish.
Monetize & control your personal data
Achieve complete privacy and security
Own your personal data
Join our revolution today

Meet Data Xchange

Achieve a monthly income stream based on your personal data.

mEinstein AI’s Data Store lets you sell or delete your data, having complete control over it.
Use the assistant, let your data pile up, select the type of data you want to sell, and create a monthly income stream based on your usage.

Inverse Targeting

Decentralized Marketplace

For a long time platforms have exposed your personal data to be able to advertise services and products based on your demographics, likes, behaviour among others.

mEinstein AI’s Data Store lets you sell or delete your data, having complete control over it.

NOT ANYMORE, mEinstein AI’s Decentralized marketplace gives the power to users. It's the AI who matches your needs to experts who can help you only when you need to and want to. No one can access or see your personal data, not even us.

Open knowledge through the power of AI

AI can help us all achieve enhanced decision making skills that allow us to achieve our personal goals.

  • Personal Finances - Personal Care - Predictive Maintenance - Family Care - Traveling
  • AI trained by experts to provide personalized suggestions to achieve your goals.
  • Automate time consuming tasks like budgeting - cashflow - vacation planning - among others.
  • Get reminders for family chores & alerts for predictive maintenance for you car or home.
  • Connect with experts on the service marketplace to further assist you.

Our Useful Resources

Dive into the forefront of innovation and thought leadership with our latest resources. Where insightful content meets the pulse of contemporary ideas, keeping you informed and inspired.

Reclaiming Data Ownership: How mEinstein Empowers You to Take Control

In today's digital age, data has become the new oil, driving innovations and shaping the future of technology. Yet, despite generating vast amounts of valuable data, individuals rarely see the benefits...

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Introducing mEinstein: Your Personal AI Advisor and Data Monetization Platform

In today’s digital age, data is often referred to as the "new oil." However, unlike oil, the benefits of data have predominantly been reaped by large corporations, leaving individual users with littleto no control over their personal information...

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The Future of AI: Personalized Assistance with mEinstein

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a distant dream; it's an integral part of our daily lives. From virtual assistants to personalized recommendations, AI has transformed how weinteract with technology. However, not all AI is created equal...

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What our users are saying

Explore the authentic voices of user satisfaction in our testimonial section. Echoing diverse and exceptional experiences with our products.

Financial Empowerment and Enhanced Daily Life

"Using mEinstein has been a game-changer for me. As a freelancer, I was always looking for ways to supplement my income. With mEinstein, I started monetizing my data through their Data Marketplace, and the extra income has made a significant difference in my financial stability. The personalized AI assistant also helps me manage my daily tasks more efficiently. From scheduling client meetings to reminding me of project deadlines, mEinstein has become an invaluable part of my routine. It's amazing to have a platform that not only respects my privacy but also rewards me for my data."

Sarah M

Freelance Graphic Designer
Personalized Health and Wellness Support

"As a fitness trainer, maintaining my health and staying organized are crucial. mEinstein's personalized AI assistant has been incredibly helpful in keeping me on track with my fitness goals and daily schedule. The AI provides tailored health tips, workout plans, and even reminds me to stay hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, by tokenizing my fitness data, I’ve been able to earn a steady income by sharing it with health researchers and fitness companies. This extra income has allowed me to invest in better equipment and improve my services. "

John D.

Fitness Trainer
Career Growth and Financial Planning

“mEinstein has been a fantastic addition to my life. The AI assistant provides insightful career advice and helps me stay updated with the latest industry trends. This personalized guidance has been instrumental in my career growth, giving me the confidence to take on new challenges at work. The financial planning tools have also helped me manage my budget more effectively. By monetizing my data, I've been able to create an additional revenue stream that supports my savings goals. It's empowering to use a platform that values my data and offers such practical benefits."

Emily R.

Marketing Manager
Efficient Home Management and Data Security

"As an IT specialist, I'm very particular about data security and efficiency. mEinstein’s device-native platform and blockchain technology give me peace of mind, knowing my data is secure and private. The AI assistant helps me manage household tasks and provides personalized recommendations for home maintenance, saving me time and effort. Moreover, I've started monetizing my data by sharing anonymized home energy usage data with research companies, which has brought in some extra income. mEinstein has streamlined my home management and boosted my financial wellbeing. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to take control of their data."

Mark T.

IT Specialist
Seamless Travel Planning and Passive Income

"As a travel blogger, planning trips and managing travel details can be overwhelming. mEinstein’s AI assistant makes it so much easier by providing personalized travel recommendations, itinerary management, and even local insights. This level of personalization has enriched my travel experiences and content creation. On top of that, by monetizing my travel data, I’ve been able to generate passive income, which supports my travel expenses. The combination of personalized AI services and data monetization has made mEinstein an indispensable tool for my career and lifestyle."

Lisa S.

Travel Blogger

Frequently Asked questions

Explore the answers you seek in our "Frequently Asked Questions" section, your go-to resource for quick insights into the world of artificial intelligence.

From understanding AI applications to learning about our services, we've condensed the information you need to kickstart your exploration of this transformation technology.

mEinstein is an AI-powered platform that simplifies daily life by managing personal finances, personal care, family chores, predictive maintenance, and vacation planning. It uses AI to provide personalized suggestions, automate tasks, and offer timely reminders, helping you achieve your goals efficiently.

Your privacy and security are our top priorities. mEinstein uses advanced encryption to protect your data. You control what data is collected and how it's used. Our decentralized marketplace ensures your information remains anonymous and secure, complying with GDPR and CCPA regulations.

mEinstein makes financial management easy by tracking your spending, providing personalized advice, and helping you set and stick to a budget. It offers real-time insights, automated bill reminders, and predictive analytics to help you plan for future financial needs.

mEinstein's service marketplace connects you with experts for financial advice, health tips, maintenance services, and travel planning. Our growing marketplace ensures you receive comprehensive support tailored to your needs, making life management simpler and more effective

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